Incorporating Aromatherapy Into Your Hot Tub Experience

Aromatherapy, sometimes called essential oil therapy, is a holistic healing treatment that utilizes natural plant extracts to promote total mind, body, and soul well-being. If you’re interested in incorporating aromatherapy into your hot tub experience, we’ve got some helpful tips for you! 

Diving Into Aromatherapy 

The first step is to select the right product for your spa. It’s important to remember that there are some products that are not safe to utilize in spas. For example, Epsom Salts and other bath salts are not specifically designed for use in hot tubs, so they can often result in clogged filters and water quality issues. A great product to start with is the InSPAration’s Hawaiian Sunset Crystal for Spa and Hot Tubs. These crystals are designed for use in hot tubs and they deliver a fresh, enchanting scent that will help you feel as though you’re relaxing on a tropical beach. It’s oil-free and won’t impact the PH of your spa or clog the filters. 

Once you’ve selected the perfect product, make sure to pay close attention to the instructions on the packaging. They should tell you how much product you can safely add to the water, as well as the best way to mix it in. Please note that before incorporating any types of aromatherapy products into your spa, you should check your filters to make sure they’re in good condition. Even spa-safe products can cause damage to already-compromised filters. 

Prioritize Your Safety 

To ensure the safety of your household, here are a few safety tips to remember:

  • Make sure to keep your essential oils products out of reach of children and pets. Also, never use eucalyptus, fennel, peppermint, rosemary, verbena, or wintergreen essential oils near infants.
  • When diffusing, keep your soak time to 30 to 60 minutes in total. 
  • Whenever utilizing essential oil products in your spa, make sure that you’re in a well-ventilated area.
  • Be understanding of asthmatic friends and family, as some aromas may cause an asthma attack. 
  • After using essential oils, make sure to rinse off in the shower. 
  • Not all essential oils are safe for use on your skin, so do your research first. Citrus oils like lemon, orange, and bergamot are better left alone, as they may cause the skin to blister or burn.

Our Favorite Oils 

Looking for some oil inspiration? Here are a few of our all-time favorites. Just make sure to purchase a spa-safe version of the scent: 

  • Lavender 
  • French vanilla 
  • Sweet geranium
  • Rose
  • Grapefruit 
  • Chamomile
  • Pine 

Embrace Aromatherapy 

The next time you feel stressed out or achey, try hopping in your hot tub, pouring in a few aromatherapy crystals, and sinking into the hot, bubbling water. In no time, you’ll be feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.